
Showing posts with the label 9Dragons Awaken Patch 186-189

Video Log : Patch 186-189 : Black Temple Dungeon Plate

Good tidings to you, fellow dragon! In the patches 186 to 188 , Bead Plate of the Black Temple has been added to Tibet Bridge Engineer, Qibu Baihui create list. Black Temple Plate Shards and Black Temple Marble drops from the last boss in the Black Temple dungeon. Than the visuals of the shards did not correspond to the black monk dungeon so in patch Patch 189 Black Temple Plate Shards and Black Temple Marble image icon was fixed. In this video I will talk about this issue. Black Monk Dungeon revamp in korean server was released one month before golden castle revamp dungeon and is a lower dungeon than golden castle. In our version of game, Golden Castle was revamp before black monk so we have a relic call Bead Plate Heavenly Fist that we can not create without black monk plate. These days speaking with players nobody really understood why we rush up with throw up in the game the plate without the all revamp content of the dungeon.The players did not made a presure on RedFox to ...