
Showing posts with the label Developer Journal : Fighting Styles of the Black Clans

Developer Journal : Fighting Styles of the Black Clans

Lu-Lin  ( The Brotherhood of Thieves ) Lu-lin is the clan of mountain bandits. Since life was so dangerous in ancient China, becoming a bandit was a lifestyle that many took to. While it was not glamorous, it did offer the poorer people a chance of survival. The great fighting skills that were developed here came from much experience of mountain fighting. These are straightforward fighting skills. They did not believe in embellishing their skills with decoration. Lu-Lin is a hard and direct fighting style. The Lu-Lin believe in winning at all costs. They prefer to use raw power and savagery. As you might expect in a mountain range, the weapons that the Lu-Lin favor are axes and spears. These developed out of the mountain man's standard working tools. Axes that started as simple tools for chopping wood soon became double edged weapons of great beauty and power. Spears that were simple hunting tools now became strengthened and developed for fighting at a safe distance f...