
Showing posts with the label 9Dragons PapayaPlay Sharkfest 9Dragons PapayaPlay Sharkfest event 9DRagons Sharkfesr patch notes


您好, 巨龍! Salutations, Dragons! Apologies for the bare-bones patch notes. Today's update involved a lot of last-minute QA, and we had to prioritize. Basic stats for most event rewards are included, and we will add a more detailed writeup on how the event functions within the next day or so. Sharkfest Sharkfest is a four-week celebration, honouring the ocean's deadliest predator and straight-to-video cinema's biggest cash cow. Sharkfest consists of two parts. Your first task is an event-exclusive quest line, which starts with Maegumrae, a hapless lifeguard who's trying to enjoy his vacation on the sandy shores of Liaodong. He'll assign you a short quest, which will reward you with the permanent Shark Slayer epithet. More steps, and more rewards, are planned for this quest as the event progresses, so keep an eye on our news page. This is not the time or the place to perform some kind of a half-assed autopsy on a fish. You can also check in with Seo Hwarang every day in ...