Sharkfest Intro 1, Shark Hunting RTE Quest


Hello dragons !

We get new event today, SHARKFEST with new items to discover and craft. Let's start with the first quest from where you can get the SHARK SLAYER EPITHET

The quest is based in Liaodong map and you have to run between 2 NPCs and slay samurais, first, second and third class. 

Intro :


The quest will pop up when you log in.

Go to Liadong map.

Run to Advanced Base (black clan map) and take the quest.

Run yo ship NPC and talk with the 2 NPCs.

You have to hunt Samurai Third Class. The mob locations are near the NPC area, near formation stone.

After Samurai Second Class, location of the monsters is on the boat : 

Last Samurai First Class, location is near the formation stone :

Go back and talk to the NPC :

After you have to run again to the Advanced Base (black clan map). After you talk to the NPC you get the epithet. 
