Developer Journal: RPG Vault - Wu Tang

RPG Vault - Wu Tang

Ah, the noble and serene Wu-Tang... experts in Tai-Chi, and known as the Clan of the Divine Sword. The members seek to be at one with their swords, and never stop trying to improve their mastery of the weapon. As a consequence, joining this clan means signing up to a long-term commitment. Be prepared to train, train and train again until you think you can get no better. Then think again. This goes back to my point yesterday about the beggars' clan. If you remember, I said that it was easy to join. The Wu-Tang is at the opposite end of the scale. If you cannot demonstrate great skill with the sword, then it's going to be very hard to convince them to let you join. 

Legend has it that a Shaolin Monk called Zhang Sanfeng started it. For some unknown reason, he moved away from a straight Buddhist way of life to one that added other beliefs. This fusion of values caused him to create a very different style of kung fu. It became known as White Crane, and blended unarmed combat with a complete mastery of the double-edged sword. This made the Wu-Tang unique in their fighting style, and arguably some of the greatest warriors in ancient China. 

The entire fighting style is based upon the principle of harmony. For every yin, there is a yang. Offensive skills should not be greater than defensive ones. The hand should not be stronger than the foot. Unarmed skills should not be better than sword skills. Perfect balance is the key concept. Balance rules not only the way the Wu-Tang clan fights, but also how they live their lives.

Based on the lore created by Steven-Elliot Altman
