Developer Journal : Fighting Styles of the White Clans


The Shaolin monk is famous for his fast and powerful unarmed style of fighting. In 9Dragons, the Shaolin are the masters of unarmed combat. Their moves are graceful and flowing, and often based on the movements of animals (e.g. the preying mantis style). They are also renowned for their ability with staves. Their main weapons, should they choose to have them, are padded gloves. However, in the hands of a Shaolin master, even a humble spade can be a devastating weapon. The Shaolin philosophy is based on Buddhism, and they have an innately good view of the world. They are opposed to death and violence, and will try to use their skills to control or incapacitate an opponent. However, the enemy sometimes does not leave them that option!

In 9Dragons, there are four classes of Shaolin monk - Luohan, Chi-han, Jingang and Deva. Each of these has a different  balance of internal and external strength.

i. Luohan monks - These are the individuals who excel at external strength. They train hard to develop their bodies and master not only unarmed styles, but also weapons and powerful combination attacks.

ii. Chi-han monks - Chi-han accentuate their internal power. Some are so skilled that they can use vocal skills combined with their internal Chi to strike enemies at a long distance. Their Chi enables them to absorb damage that would have hurt any normal, untrained person.

iii. Jingang monks - These monks specialize in healing using their internal powers and knowledge. They are also skilled in fist fighting, and they are great to have on a team if you are going anywhere dangerous - which in 9Dragons, means anywhere!

iv. Deva monks - These are a unique form of Shaolin. They tend to be loners, and as such, they have developed their internal skills not only in fist fighting, at which they excel, but also at self-healing. Their reflective skills make them very appropriate for solo play.

The Shaolin never admitted women into their training. So in the game, to be Shaolin means that you must play a male character.

Gai-Pan ( Beggars Clan )

The Gai-Pan are famous for their use of the drunken monkey style. This style originated because of the tough life of a beggar on the streets of ancient China. Their fighting skills are very practical. Training is mostly based around real life activities such as finding food and staying alive! Gai-Pan fighting skills use deception to get opponents off-guard. Since they are a clan of beggars, most of the skills began as real life activities such as begging, snake-hunting (remember it's ancient China), and chasing away stray dogs, before being stylized into a fighting art. Some of the skills like drunken monkey fighting actually require you to drink alcohol before use!

The beggar clan did not have money for weapons, so most of their moves involve either unarmed combat or staff fighting.

But not all beggars are the same, oh no! There are also four classes - Vanguard beggars, Dragon fighters, Healers and Spiritual fighters.

i. Vanguard beggars - Vanguards are great brawlers. They understand the drunken monkey fighting style and can also use staves with great power.

ii. Dragon fighters - Dragon fighters use Chi or inner spiritual power to enhance their fighting abilities. Although physically weak, they use mind skills to increase their defense or absorb a physical attack.

iii. Healers - Healers only have a few fighting skills, but can help other players by healing them. They can also increase others' health or defense temporarily, or cure internal or external wounds. Healers are especially essential when player parties want to explore dungeons or to engage in battles with other parties or guilds.

iv. Spiritual fighters - They are the jack of all trades. They can use drunken monkey fighting, strengthen themselves with their Chi and even heal themselves. However, remember - jack of all trades, master of none!


The Wu-Tang skills are based on the Great Absolute. This is the principle of Yin and Yang, where the universe is in balance but also in motion. Yin swallows Yang but is itself absorbed by Yin. Wu-Tang are also called the Clan of Heavenly Swords. In practice, this means that their skills are in harmony with the principles of nature. Wu-Tang skills emphasize smoothness and flowing moves. But mastering Wu-Tang skills generally takes more time because of the strong emphasis on mastering the basics.

The Wu-Tang often become sword masters because the flowing style suits the sword very well.

Wu-Tang split themselves into four styles - Blue Dragons, Black Turtles, Red Phoenixes and White Tigers.

i. Blue Dragons - These are the backbone of the Wu-Tang fighting power. They learn 'Cloud sword' and 'Wind sword' related skills that give them extra speed and power.

ii. Black Turtles - They embody the tough spirit of Wu-Tang. They have learned how to handle Chi flawlessly and they protect themselves using Chi protective skills.

iii. Red Phoenixes - They need high intelligence to be successful. They help other players using healing and protection skills, but they have a specific attack skill called Tai-Chi fist fighting.

iv. White Tigers - They can learn all the Wu-Tang skills except sword fighting because that requires dedicated training. But it's really hard to master all the skills, so they have to keep learning.
