COC (The Cave of The Conqueror) Dungeoun

Location : in The Cave of the Conquer, level 2, combat is possible.

The passes : 
Purple (easy)/ 10 Stages
Green (medium) / 15 Stages
Red (hard)/20 Stages
Black (very hard) / 25 Stages

They can be bought at the entrance NPC, Grave Robber Tang Mu Wen :

Entrance :

Room (there is only one room where all the mobs spawn). The dungeoun has stages, depends on the passes. You have to wait between stages. Stages have different time and mobs. Each stage is different from eah other. At each 5 stages you get boxes with rewards. The higher the pass, the higher the rewards.

Stage 1-5 (green pass)

The rewards can be found in boxes, they can be low or high items, elixirs, fragments, etc.

Stage 5-10 (green pass)

You can find pillars (poison, fire, silence) . Hit them !

Rewards :

Stages 10-15 (green pass)

Between stages you can find different types of bosses, that can have two forms .

At last stage you can get the White Tiger King (it is random) that gives as reward his soul to form epithets. Only this type of boss gives the soul for epithets.

Last stage rewards :

Resource. You can exchange some of the drops with collectibles. Pres F11 or visit the CoC NPC and Hefei one.

The CoC boxes are yellow and white and gives you rewards such as tomes, FSs, GTs, pills life &VE, herbs, etc. :

Epithets :
The epithets can be exchange if you collect enough of White Tiger souls and depends on levels (press F11).

The Fragments can be exchanged for clothes (IM level, BEs, tender stones & epithet)  :

From black passes you can obtain tiger weapons.
