
Showing posts with the label Class Balancing - Wu Tang Warrior new skills (role skills)

Class Balancing - Wu Tang Warrior new skills (role skills), part 3

The roles skills can be remaster from role clan NPC ( blue dragon NPC for wu tang warriors ). Improvement of : 1.Passive Skill 2.Active Skill 3.Smashing Skill 4.Finishing Skill 5.Rounding Skill 6.Casting Skill  The Wu Tang Skills : To raise the skills you can use advance manuals & GMs 900 kung fu buffs along with premium & honor student. Starting c10 to ch11 and ch 12 you need advanced manuals. You can aquire them from the clan role NPC or from coc boxes. To create manuals you need The Spirit of Wu- Tang (Press F11/ Wu Tang /Create = you need KL spirit + red stones. Please do notice you can fail create The Spirit of Wu Tang even with Master Crafting Guide. They are very expensive to make . Another option is to get the gift from boxes ch10 & ch11 (100 % chance) but you get random boxes of manual