North Sea Icy Palace Dungeon new

North Sea Icy Palace Dungeon is locate on North Sea map.

The passes dops from mobs in North Sea Icy Palace & Tibet map.

Levels :
Purple ( 200 - 207)
Green (208 - 214)
Red (215 - 218)


The large hall

You enter in a large hall room  which is bordered by one side and the other by four rooms.
The four rooms have miniboses and mobs. After you enter go right and start with the first room. Kill Sealed Soul Palace Guard & Ice Demons.

On the opposite part there is another room, the same. Go there and kill the miniboss & mobs.

Now, exit the room and go in front of the big hall. You will find another room (the 3rd one) that is liniar to this one. Kill the minibosses & mobs.

In the opposite corner (face to face) you will find the last miniroom. Kill all the minobosses and mobs till the poison is lifted.

Go back to the hall and go in front to Cursed Frozen Captain that guard the door to the second floor.

After he is dead, the door will be open and you will enter the next floor. This floor is like a corridor with only 3 doors on the right. You need to enter door 1 (first one ) and door 3 (last one) first. After you kill the minibosses from this rooms the middle door will open.

1st door & room :

3rd door & room:

Middle room (3 minibosses) :
The following quests can be finished here :
-The Secret of the North Sea Former Matriarch (I)
-The Secret of the North Sea Former Matriarch (II)
-The Secret of the North Sea Former Matriarch (III)

The door from the right brings you to a secret chamber where you find an exchange NPC. You can enter this room if you have the following item from a quest :

If you lost it, you can get it again from courier :

Special NPC room :

Now, go back and enter on the left door to the throne room (home to Ice Queen) :

Boss Room :

This is a simple room. The mobs are posted in 3 rows, 2 by the wall and 1 in the middle. You have the kill the mobs till the 2 princesses and the queen spawns.

The bosses :

Fallen First Princess (1 form)
Fallen Second Princess (2 forms) / stun
North Sea Queen (2 forms) / -50 all Stats, silence , stun AOE with HP damage

It is best to lure them and kill one by one, starting with Fallen First Princess.

The loot room (1) :

Possible drops :

Special NPC (inside the dungeoun)

The collectibles drops in the dungeouns, but to make the uniform (heavenly) you need to make lots of runs. The Stone of Icy Tear is a very hard drop to get.

The Epithets :

Ice Destroying Inner Spirit (exit the dungeoun)

Reflect 7% of Physical damage to target.
Reflect 7% of Chi Kung damage to target.
Dodge increased by 15%.
Chi Kung Dodge increased by 15%.

Exceptional Northern Sky (killer epithet)

Damage increased by 700.
Chi Kung Damage increased by 700.
Attack Ratting Increased by 10%.
Chi Kung Attack Ratting Increased by 10%.
Critical Rate Increased by 1200/10000.
