Loulan Map

Loulan map is a special map. You can enter from Bloody Plain ( 2entrance ) or Tibet ( 2 entrance). When you ente rthe map you get a mask. This is pvp map. You can pvp anybody or get a raid party.

There are 2 main villages :

- Beiliang

- Beiwei

And 2 small : Red Sand Village & Dark Sand Village.

Loulan is home to Kylin, the dragon.

-In East Temple there are 2 floors and 1 Altar where you can enter the dungeon and kill Kylin : (first mobs level 223 and second 225 ). The maps are pvp.

In West Temple there are 2 floors and 1 Altar where you can enter the dungeon and kill Kylin : (first mobs level 223 and second 224 ). The maps are pvp.

Highlights :

-Loulan is a special map with special NPCs  and bosses.
-There are 4 dungeons : East/West Temple Dungeon (Kylin) and Golden Castle & Infinite Dungeon.
-There are many bosses in Loulan that drops special items to make clothes, ornaments, decos.
-Treasure Chests & pigs spwans here.
