Nanchang Map

Nanchang is one of the 5th level maps in 9Dragons Awaken on white clan side (the other being Hangzhou on black clan). Nanchang is a pvp map on Yin server, the first pvp map. Black Clan can also enter Nannchang, but the guards can hit them.

The map has 3 villages and all sorts of NPCs. From village to village you must use lightfoot system. On this map there is no teleport NPC :

1. Zhengyang

2. Zhunxing

3. Yushan

Highlights :
- Mobs/monsters starts from level 94.
-In village you find NCPS such as blacksmith, inn-keeper, courier, drapery, doctor & others.
- On the map you can find the entrance to SCM ( Mansion of Silver Coins/ FC+ level) dungeon and Beast Tower dungeon (GL+ level).
- You can find bosses on this map
-Svs fortress is also located in here.

Exits :




