Papaya postponed the launch till 26 May

Hello folks. As I've mentioned in chat, we're unfortunately going to be pushing our launch date back a bit. Our plan is now to go live on May 26th 2021, early morning GMT. It took a bit longer than we'd expected for the new cash shop to be finished, but that's the last hurdle, and the time we have left will just involve smaller fixes and tweaking the launch events. 

We're also going to have a bonus EXP week starting at launch, with +200% bonus experience and +100% bonus kung fu experience.

Thanks for being so patient with us. Delays are no fun, but we have a lot of people putting a lot of work into this service, and we feel that the delay will be worth the superior quality of the end result.

 Pre-registration reward pack


Reaching level 96 with your pre-registered account will award another epithet and accessory:

Connection Bonuses and OX quiz rewards will be improved for the first month:

Dead creatures will sometimes drop special event items, which can be exchanged for Ancestral Rite altars:

Using the altar outside a town/city will cause it to drop a few random items from a list:

And if you like cutthroat competition, the three members of each clan who obtain the most experience after two weeks will receive prize packages, and an exclusive epithet:

And lastly for now, ALL new characters, pre-registered or not, will receive modest starting packages:

We have a bit more planned, but it's still in the planning stages. we'll hopefully have the full details in the next day or two when our site goes live. (GM Bonovoxx) 
